Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Being Pregnant during a Pandemic in 2020, Singapore

2016, Phuket

That was me on a babymoon trip with my girlfriends back in 2016. My first pregnancy. I even went on another babymoon trip with my dear Husband to KL. It was great. Life was great.

Found out I was pregnant with this 2nd one in November 2019. I was super excited as we have been trying after Hud turned 2 years old. It was perfect and just nice as Hud was a c-sect baby and we had to wait 2 years before trying again.

In January 2020, COVID-19 hit Singapore and being a pregnant mama  I was worried. I kept stumbling upon articles on how it can be transmitted via the womb. Then the numbers of infected cases started to rise. I texted my reporting officer if I could stay home, she reassured me there's a business continuity management plan underway. 

We hit DORSCON Orange in February 2020 and we were all placed to work from home. Then things got worse, I decided to place Hud at home even before the schools all around the island shuttered on 7 April 2020. Circuit breaker has begun.

It was a good move. As Hud is still 3 years of age I didnt enforce the Home Based Learning to him and let him enjoy his days. It is hard juggling work and a toddler but I managed. Dear Husband is an essential frontliner so the days without him at home were tough. Hud is now more closer to me and it really makes my heart blooooooom. Hud said I am his bestfriend.

I am 31 weeks now in my third trimester. 59 days to go till my EDD. Decided to stop stressing about cooking and got for me and hubs tingkat for Ramadhan.We have been staying home and we rarely go out.

Germs Are Not for Sharing. Best Behavior® Series. by Elizabeth Verdick. illustrated by Marieka Heinlen.

I got a book for Hud about germs and he seems to understand why we can't go to the playground or go out leisurely. Sometimes, he would look out the window and say " Mama, playground close cause got germs but mama supermarket open". 

He loves staying home this boy and he likes independent play. He has turned my sofa into a trampoline and our living room is his gym.  He still hates wearing his mask though. I have tried giving him the 3ply kinds and also cloth masks with pikachu cartoon. It's ok as he only goes out when I go for my checkups and he stays in the car as children under 12 years old are not allowed to come. So yeah, I go for my checkups alone.

No doubt our whole life changed drastically, our lifestyle. I miss my siblings and omg I miss my mum so much. I miss my baby nephews Danish, Rahim and Rahman. I have not even met Rahim and Rahman since they were born 2 months ago. We had an online zoom cukur rambut event for them and most of the family attended. It was lovely!

 I still count my blessings everyday. It helps when I list them down.

My silverlinings:

1. Dont need to step out and go to work esp now that I am in 3rd tri. So heavyyyyyyy.
2. I get to see both my husband and Hud more.
3. I managed to get alot of house chore and house deco done.#houseimprovementproject
4. I got to cook for my family with love.
5. My highlight is this: Hud declaring me as his bestfriend. :D

Let's hope all of this will be over soon, and we can reunite with our love ones once again. We may not get to celebrate Ramadhan and Eid together and mosques may be closed, but our unity, love, faith and strenght will help us in these difficult time.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home guys.

Love, Huda

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